Music Magazine List
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RoJaRo Status:
previously indexed in the RoJaRo
Issues indexed in the data base:
199201-199312, 2004/122-2006/148
Total number of references:
Index information:
all articles & reviews, not: news etc
Cover artist information:
cover artist not included so far
RoJaRo archive urgently needs these issues (every single magazine
v1(86)#1 to v2(87)#8, v3(88)#1,4,12-13,20,23,26, v4(89)#3-8,10-12,14-15,21,25, v6(91)#9,13, v9(94)#1-5,7-8,11-12, v10(95)#4-5,9-12, v11(96)#2-4,6-8, v12(97)#12, v13(98)#9, v14(99)#2
RoJaRo's presentation:
well-known metal monthly with lots of national editions around europe. glossy with lots of full colour pictures covering a wide variety of metal music and hard rock through the usual articles + reviews. not bad at all.
metal hammer's own presentation:
(option only available to participating magazines)
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